Increasingly, United Safety customers are asking for a new kind of safety role, one that combines a Hazardous Gas Safety Specialist with a Safety Technician. Combining over 31 years of hazardous gas protection knowledge with HSE focused skill sets, United Safety offers United Hybrid Professional that combines the two specialties in one individual.

In addition to installing safety equipment, and training site personnel on its hazardous gas response scenarios, personnel in this hybrid role can also assist in compliance of the customer’s HSE policy and initiatives through mentoring and safety coaching. The United Hybrid Professional can also conduct such activities as assessments, safety meetings, risk identification, analysis, incident investigation and reporting, and environmental issues and compliance.

The duties of the Hybrid Professional consist of:

  • Onsite crew training and orientation
  • Emergency drills and search & rescue coordination
  • Breathing air and gas monitoring equipment installation and maintenance
  • Inspections, audits, assessments, safety meetings, and risk identification/analysis/assessments
  • Liaising with onsite safety leadership
  • Participate in all aspects of the HSEMS ensuring compliance with national regulations and local and international standards
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Hazardous Gas Safety Specialist (inclusive of H2S Safety Specialist)

United Safety’s Hazardous Gas Safety Specialist is experienced in providing safety supervision onsite where the possibility of having a hazardous/Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) environment exists.

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