What are the key safety challenges during a turnaround?
From time to time, refineries, chemical plants and power generation facilities need to shutdown to complete maintenance requirements. This provides a significant opportunity to complete optimization and expansion projects that not always can be undertaken while the plant is in operation.
But along with opportunities, come challenges. The sheer number of simultaneous tasks happening at one location combined with the radical increase in the number of external contractors onsite unfamiliar with the plant dramatically increases the safety risks and challenges. Additionally, many of the maintenance tasks performed are in high risk environments like confined spaces or working around moving equipment under enormous time pressures. All these result in a situation where for a brief period during a shutdown or turnaround, there is a heightened safety risk.
What is a digital turnaround?
In order to effectively manage this spike in safety requirements, we put together a unique combination of digital technologies including industrial pervasive wireless, location tracking, access control, video monitoring, two-way communications, cloud, real time data and analytics that help support your turnaround and ensure the safety of all onsite personnel. At United Safety, we call this the Digital Turnaround.
What are the key benefits of a digital turnaround?
Real-time data, information, and analytics that enhance the quality and speed of decision-making. Cutting-edge, networked, cost effective solutions that can reduce exposure hours. Higher productivity and less time loss with improved monitoring. Enhanced safety in confined spaces as workers are better monitored even inside the confined space.
In short, the digital turnaround is a safer, connected, more efficient and cost-effective approach to managing the heightened safety risks that arise during a turnaround ensuring enhanced safety and improved productivity of the connected worker.
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Shayne McCallum
Vice President, CanadaShayne McCallum is our Vice President for Canada and is based out of the global headquarters in Airdrie, Canada. He has 26 years’ experience in the oil and gas industry and has been with United Safety for 20 years.
During Shayne’s 20-year tenure he held several senior positions within the company including Area Manager, Operations Manager and General Manager in multiple regions. Shayne has been instrumental in the growth and development of the Industrial service line in Canada which has been the foundation to our expansion for United Safety worldwide.