Occupational fatigue affects more than 20% of the United States working population. According to a report, National Sleep Foundation showed that 29% of Americans became sleepy at work or fell asleep on the job. Consequently, workplace fatigue results in over $136 billion in lost productivity and health care costs each year.

What is Occupational fatigue?

Occupational fatigue is the inability to perform normal work tasks due to the constant feeling of tiredness. It is usually caused by long working hours with little, interrupted or irregular sleep, shift jobs, monotonous jobs and long waking hours. It can also be caused by poor social conditions at the workplace and high levels of stress.

How can you address workplace fatigue?

Several steps can be taken to fight workplace fatigue. Key include:

  • Minimizing overtime
  • Reducing night shifts and keeping consecutive night shifts to a minimum
  • Offering workers as much choice and flexibility as possible with regards to when they start and end a shift
  • Giving workers adequate rest breaks
  • Ensuring the work conditions are comfortable; noise reduction, comfortable temperature, adequate lighting etc

Workers on the other hand also have a role to play in ensuring they are well rested and healthy. Taking short breaks, eating healthy, exercising regularly and sleeping sufficiently will help workers re-establish energy levels.

To ensure that your workers are ready and at their productive best for the work at hand, United Safety provides an easy, online Fit-For-Duty test. 

References: https://www.worksitemed.com/