Bringing employees back to work and keeping them safe with necessary precautions in place is a key priority for many organizations today. United Safety has been protecting workers for over three decades and long before the pandemic, we have been providing our customers with TeQ Shield™ Tracker- Real Time Location Solutions (RTLS) that remotely track and monitor onsite personnel.

This solution has now been adapted to help businesses proactively provide safety measures that bring people back to work in a safe manner and help contain the spread of COVID-19. Some of our solutions include:

Social Distancing

Our Social distancing solutions will help you ensure that employees maintain a proper social distance between each other at work. This solution can help you track daily circulation, manage social distancing in daily operations with proximity alerts for employees that gently let people know when they get closer than the recommended distance (normally 2 meters). This prevents further spread while keeping the employees and the work environment safe.

Contact Tracing

Contact tracing is the process of identifying, assessing, and managing people who have been exposed to a disease to prevent onward transmission. When systematically applied, contact tracing will break the chains of transmission of COVID-19 and is an essential public health tool for controlling the virus.  (

When an employee tests positive and/or shows symptoms of COVID-19, United Safety’s contact tracing solution, quickly reports on past interactions between employees for the past 14 days. This contact tracing procedure allows companies to confidentially identify and inform employees who may have been exposed to the infected worker in compliance with local privacy rules.

To find out more on how United Safety can help bring people back to work responsibly and safely, contact us or find out more on our website.